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新聞 / We have tried to shoot Moscow for a long time

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10 Nov 2010

We have tried to shoot Moscow for a long time, but we never succeeded in shooting the city we live in, thought we did our best. The case is the flights over Moscow are forbidden except those of Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Response and Russian police. Taking in consideration these administrative restrictions we applied our creativity and resolved this problem by the following:

1) First, we made a virtual tour over the interchanges of Moscow Encircling Highway (MEH).
2) The sphere was shot from the height of 1000m. The most part of Moscow and its region can be viewed from that point.
3) In May 2010 near Crocus-City Moscow panorama of high resolution (approx 1 Gig pixel) was shot from the height of 1000m.
4) In Moscow itself we realized several photo-sessions with a radio-controlled helicopter.